Artificial Intelligence in the Recruitment Industry

In the past few years the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence has changed and enhanced Executive Search.  Some agencies have become completely dependent on Boolean searches to identify targets for outreach, and are fully automated to perform the outreach efforts.  Outliers will never be contacted in this environment, and this could impact identifying and recruiting the very best candidates.  People are also put off by automated outreach efforts at times, but this will invariably improve over time…


Candidates are now becoming adept at placing key words in their resumes, or online profiles.  Smart people are recognizing the need to play to the AI influence and capabilities at companies using third party software solutions.  This is valuable to understand and will ensure you are contacted by these technology driven organizations.  Is this the future of the industry, or is there still value in experience and common sense and being able to think outside the box?  Time will tell.


One must also understand and appreciate that personality, cultural fit and soft skills are also key considerations when identifying, screening and delivering candidates to clients.  These soft skills are harder to identify through AI, but as time progresses and personality tests are utilized, and behavioral interviewing is incorporated, automation will improve.  A big downside to this is that candidates can become frustrated with filling out forms, and responding to screening techniques to enable technology to deliver them as the best candidate.  I’d venture to say that this will improve over time, people need to appreciate that the technology is evolving, and it’s still early in technology development.


Video interviewing (Skype, Facetime, etc.) is also helping to save time and money to fly candidates in for interviews, but face front meetings are still better, once you go beyond the AI and ML phase.  Key decision makers or hiring officials still need to make the call and decide who is best of the finalists.  Successful hires are typically made based on all the ground work, and information received, but intuition is also a key factor.


Experienced executive recruiters typically have intuition which has been learned over the course of time, from experiences over the course of their careers.  Intuition can be learned by individuals, and will invariably become critical if machine learning and AI begins to replace individuals/people in the search industry.  Oh, it’s coming, but it will take time for this to happen.  Understanding cultural considerations, needs, desires and other factors such as organizational demands, reality versus smoke and mirrors are soft skills that are key strengths of great recruiters.  Coaching hiring officials, communicating through multiple processes, and personalities are all skills that AI and Machine learning cannot replace. 


Lower skilled workers, technically skilled employees and other roles are well suited for automated processes, however as positions become more complex and more influential in an organization experienced executive recruiters will invariably be the best solution to lead a search.  Those of us that use AI and ML to complement our processes will be even faster and better.  Technology should be embraced and utilized whenever possible, but it cannot replace a great executive level recruiter.

 From the Desk of Chuck Morris, Founder and Managing Partner of Warren & Morris LLC